WoW WOTLK Classic: Affliction Warlock Best Guide – Phase 4

Welcome to the long-awaited Phase 4 of WoW WOTLK Classic! In this guide, we will go over the best gear and talents for Affliction Warlocks in this phase. We will also discuss some tips and tricks for maximizing your damage.


The best gear for Affliction Warlocks in Phase 4 is the Tier 10 set. This set provides a significant amount of haste and critical strike rating, which are both essential for Affliction Warlocks.

Here is a list of the best gear slots for Affliction Warlocks in Phase 4:

Head: Tier 10 Helm
Shoulders: Tier 10 Shoulders
Chest: Tier 10 Chest
Gloves: Tier 10 Gloves
Legs: Tier 10 Legs
Feet: Tier 10 Boots
Waist: Crushing Cold Rain Belt
Back: Cloak of the Turning Champion
Neck: Blood Queen's Crimson Choker
Wrist: Ladies' Brittle Bracers
Rings: Ruby Claret, Shadow spell Penetrometer
Trinket: Shadow Self Spindle, Impaling Spike

If you are unable to obtain all of the Tier 10 pieces right away, there are a few good alternatives. For example, you can use Sky Weaver’s Robes from Trial of the Grand Crusader or the crafted legs of the Tier 10 set.


The best talent spec for Affliction Warlocks in Phase 4 is the following:

Level 15: Improved Corruption
Level 30: Siphon Life
Level 45: Agony
Level 60: Malediction
Level 75: Pandemic
Level 90: Dark Soul: Knowledge

This spec focuses on maximizing the damage of your Affliction spells. It also includes the Malediction talent, which is essential for increasing the damage of your Shadow Bolt.


The Affliction Warlock rotation in Phase 4 is very simple. You will start by casting Corruption and Agony on your target. You will then keep these two spells up at all times. You will also use Siphon Life to heal yourself and deal damage to your target.

Once you have Corruption and Agony up, you will start casting Shadow Bolt. You will also use your Haunt and Malediction cooldowns when they are available.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips and tricks for maximizing your damage as an Affliction Warlock in Phase 4:

• Make sure to keep Corruption and Agony up on your target at all times.
• Use Siphon Life to heal yourself and deal damage to your target.
• Use your Haunt and Malediction cooldowns when they are available.
• Try to stay behind your target to avoid being hit by their attacks.
• Use your pets to help you deal damage and tank damage.


Affliction Warlocks are one of the most powerful classes in Phase 4 of WoW WOTLK Classic. By following the tips and tricks in this guide, you can maximize your damage and help your raid succeed. If you want to know more about WoW WOTLK Classic or are interested in buying WoW WoTLK Gold, please feel free to visit MMOexp.