Reflecting on EA FC 24: A Near-Perfect Game with a Few Critical Drawbacks

As an Elite division player consistently achieving 16 wins, my experience with EA FC 24 has been a blend of enjoyment and frustration. While the game stands close to being one of the best this year, a few persistent issues detract from its potential greatness. In this reflection, I’ll delve into the four key areas that, in my opinion, hinder the overall gaming experience.

1, Shooting Inconsistency in Crucial Moments

One of the major setbacks revolves around the inconsistency of shooting mechanics, particularly in high-pressure scenarios. Despite meticulously timing all my shots and employing precision finishing, there are instances where a green-timed shot, executed in a stress-free 1v1 situation, fails to find the net or deviates from the intended direction. This frustration compounds when shots with less optimal timing, such as yellow-timed trivelas from outside the box or red-timed finesse shots, yield unexpected success. The feeling of being punished for executing skillful plays and rewarded for errors diminishes the sense of player input impact.

2, Issues with Attacking AI

While high press tactics have their merits in both real-life football and the virtual realm, the crux of the problem lies in the subpar performance of attacking AI. The recent alterations to the high press were unnecessary, as the root cause lies in the AI’s inability to actively participate in overcoming the press. In critical 2v1 situations against the goalkeeper, the need to resort to player lock due to the ineptitude of attacking AI further highlights the deficiency. Effective high press tactics should encourage collaboration between AI and player, rather than leaving AI as mere spectators.

3, Random Outcomes of Tackling

The unpredictable outcomes of tackles contribute to a sense of unfairness and undermine the essence of true victory. Scenarios where an opponent tackles multiple times, yet the ball miraculously returns to the attacker, leave a bitter taste. While winning is important, the true essence lies in outplaying the opponent, and these random outcomes strip away the sense of accomplishment, attributing success to chance rather than skill.

4, Passing and Player Switching Logic

The regression in passing and player switching logic stands out as a significant drawback, noticeably different from the previous edition. The reliance on right-stick switching is pronounced, and failure to adapt often results in conceding easy goals. The passing logic exhibits anomalies, leading to situations where the ball reaches unintended players. On the flip side, goals scored based on the game’s interpretation of optimal chances, rather than the player’s intention, disrupt the authenticity of gameplay. An improvement in these aspects is crucial to restoring the precision and predictability that characterized the game in the past.


In conclusion, EA FC 24 possesses the potential to be a near-perfect gaming experience, but these persistent issues cast a shadow over its brilliance. Addressing the shooting inconsistencies, enhancing attacking AI, refining tackling outcomes, and restoring passing and player switching logic to previous standards would elevate the game to unprecedented heights. With these critical aspects resolved, EA FC 24 could indeed be considered a masterpiece in the gaming landscape.

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