Diablo 4 – Ultimates needs to be separated from the skill bar

With my monk, it’s hard for me to justify not using companion or second defense instead of ultimate. They just aren’t overwhelming. Ravens, Cyclone Armor with Legendary, Bloody Howl, and more simply better skills are more useful for regular rotation. I’ve only played this tier at 50+ but my 30 cheater is almost in the same boat.

Ultimates should be selected 1 and separate from our skill bar. I don’t know if there are any other final classes that deserve a place in the long timers? My potion setup, my skills are almost constantly increasing. Why trade that for average power per minute or more?

It seems this is often an issue with the way troops are built in ARPGs in general… For them to work, you need more things to work, which greatly narrows down your choice of abilities, which This tends to leave you with less room to pick the skills that really make the game fun… If you only have so few ability slots, you still need to summon (each) your minions, ideally some way to use them, and obviously some basic functions of your character. your own, usually at least a resource-consuming/generating tool. Now add Basic Gadget/CC or Defense, oftentimes you need harder content and struggle to make room for something interesting. Another ability that you can only use once every 70 seconds is huge disable.

Added a bit of a minion summoning curse… Though blizz has the right idea with summoning skills to do something else if you’ve already summoned minions so it’s not a full node dead on your stick most of the time, the annoying part about me are minions who feel super isolated from the rest of our toolkit. Our skill tree only has passive summoner spells for them, our character’s skills do nothing to them out of the ordinary when you use minions that deal more damage to them and we completely lack the ability of active soldiers. We have no way (or a separate button) to command them to attack a target or do something interesting. Coming from wow, for instance, the death knight over there, can sacrifice a ghoul for a bit of damage and AoE health or use an ability that binds him to you and everything between you damaged, warlock can aim at enemies and throw all his enemies there, hunter let his pet rush at enemies to stun them or take extra damage, something like So.

Troops just feel isolated from the rest of our toolbox because we’re not doing anything with them. We summon them and they screw up the autopilot as they see fit and that’s it. I love my teammates, but I’m a bit disappointed with the minion build and without them I feel like a slower but much cooler mage.

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